Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Still transferring ...behavior plan

Where to begin, where to begin? 

I am still working hard at transferring all the data from our class website at TeacherWeb, Mrs. Dunn's Class, to our new blog. Looking at some of the content on my old site really makes me realize how much I have grown as a teacher in the last few years. Sometimes I wish I could go back and reteach some of my sweet kiddos with all that I know now. My first sweet class (or two) more than likely learned despite my best efforts...poor babies. 

Well, here I am ready to bring over my classroom "behavior plan," and honestly after Responsive Classroom, WinWin Discipline, and  Kagan Cooperative Learning training this summer my head is spinning as to where to begin.  

I guess I will start with something that has always been at the core of my beliefs in classroom management: It is my goal to promote appropriate behaviors from all students to create an inviting, warm, and safe atmosphere from the very first day of school to the very last day. Because each member of the classroom is an individual with his or her own backgrounds and expectations, I will use various and individual methods of managing student behavior. What I do for one student may very well not be what I do for another, but I can promise you that I will be as consistent and fair as possible! 

All class expectations will be established at the beginning of the school year with the children after we discuss our "hopes and dreams" for the year. Our expectations should grow from the discussions regarding what it will take to reach our hopes and dreams. This process gives all students a voice in establishing classroom expectations and creates an understanding that we are working together to meet a goal. Each new year produces a new set of expectations for my classroom, but I will be sure to post this year's expectations as soon as my new kiddos and I finish creating them :)

I am so excited to have had the opportunity to have a full week of Responsive Classroom training this summer, and I can honestly say that I am truly looking forward to a wonderful year! Coming back to school for our retreat, teachers shared a lot of discussion regarding what it meant to have a responsive classroom and how we all work so hard to reach our students.  We decided, "If you love them, they will learn!" With all the talk of hopes and dreams we found the perfect "theme song" for the year!

I love Lady Antebellum, but I had not heard this particular song until I stumbled upon Mrs. Jasztal's amazing blog, Jaszatville. After reading through just a small fraction of all that she has shared, I took some time to really stop and listen to the words of this song. Having just finished Responsive Classroom, it all seemed to fall right into place at just the right moment, and our principal loved it! It truly validates how our kiddos have so many choices before them, and more than anything they each want us to know, "I Was Here."  

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I have on the tag line of my blog "Before you reach their heads, you have to touch their hearts." I love what you said about teaching heart to heart. I also love that song. The other one of their songs that I love is "Changed" because to help our kiddos we first have to change ourselves.

    I use Conscious Discipline in my room which is all about building your School Family. It also helps you teach the children to be active problems solvers. You teach the individual child how to handle situations and their emotions. We also don't have rules but commitments that are based on first, keeping others safe. Then, we bring in commitments to be helpful, kind and encouraging. I LOVE it! =)

    If you get the chance, I would love for you to hop over and visit me. I was one of your first followers. =)

    Heather's Heart
