Friday, July 13, 2012

Responsive Classroom

I just finished a full week of Responsive Classroom training! I am so excited about all the wonderful tools and strategies shared. I must say that I honestly cannot wait for our Morning Meetings this coming school year. It was great to sit in a room (even if it was freezing...;) with so many amazing teachers eager to share their thoughts and ideas on creating that safe and caring environment for our students.


  1. Responsive Classroom is a lot like Conscious Discipline...which I love. CD is about building your school family. We have Family Circle time and I love it.

    We have a safe keepers box that I would love to share about with you if you are interested.

    I officially follow you now. =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. I love Responsive Classroom and can't wait to go to the week long training! I have been trained in Morning Meeting (twice!) and have read as much as possible. One of my teammates has been trained and she shares lots of great info. I hope you like it - it has made a world of difference in my classroom, even with my minimal amount of training:)

    Teaching in Progress
