So, like most of you, I have spent many of my days this summer in and out of professional development. I have been lucky this summer in that most of them have been wonderful. Two, in particular, I have thoroughly enjoyed: So Many Picture Books, So Little Time and So Many Books, So Little Time. Both of these workshops were right up my alley! I mean six hours of book talks...can't get much better. I probably shouldn't share how much I enjoyed sitting in a room learning so many wonderful ideas about new texts when just one post ago I was confessing how I had no room for even a single new book basket. But I just can't help myself; I do love it!
Sitting through both of these workshops, both presenters shared such a love of reading and books that it was contagious. That is exactly what I strive to share with the kiddos in my room each year! As we move through the school year, I will share the picture books with you as I share them with my students. Picture books as mentor texts are my favorite!
Mentor text picture books :) |
Today's workshop, So Many Books So Little Time, had me itching to get home and read a new chapter book! Luckily I have four or five of the selected titles at home just waiting to be read - imagine that! One in particular caught my attention, and I cannot wait to read it. The presenter said it would be appropriate for grades 5-8, but I am hoping I can push it down to fourth as a read aloud. This book stood out for me because I love the author.
I had the privilege of watching Mr. Gantos speak and later meeting him. He is wonderful in sharing what drives and moves him as a writer. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing this with my students each year. It's also fun to share pics of our meeting. Mr. Gantos shared during his presentation how he loves the smell of a new book. My first thought is, well, who doesn't? LOL...I get many funny looks from teammates when my scholastic box rolls in with crisp new books. I mean the smell of ink, paper, and glue - so many wonderful childhood memories there! Anyway, I love to share with them pics of Mr. Gantos presenting, and a pic that a teammate took of the two of us smelling one of his new books. He was such a good sport!
Mr. Gantos speaking at the Arkansas Reading Conference. |
Enjoying the smell of a new book :) |
More than anything, workshops like today are so refreshing to me. Today was simply a reminder of what makes me love what I do...I love reading, and I love sharing how a good story can move you, change you.
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