Hello my bloggy friends...how have ya been???? All is well in this neck of the woods ;) sorry for the long absence last week. Did you miss me? I missed you, yet I have to admit; I cannot even say (as usual) that it was because I was so overwhelmingly busy. Unfortunately, last week our class had a severe case of the test taking blues...YUCKY! If I felt so completely bored and frustrated by testing, I just can't imagine how my kiddos felt. Don't get me wrong ~ without a doubt, I am sure my kiddos kicked that test's keister! Just what a zap to the creative and calm flow of our classroom! Oh well, they (they in this case being the people that get paid the big bucks ;p) didn't ask my opinion about testing, and I know it is a necessary evil. So I guess I will make an attempt to stop moaning and suck it up, as difficult as that may be, wink wink.
We did have a small glimmer of inspiration and lightheartedness when we watched Taylor Swift's: Read Every Day Live Webcast. Hmmm...have I mentioned I am a fan. She did an amazing job, and yes, you know just how annoyingly old you are when you feel a moment of motherly pride for a young lady that you are absolutely no relation to and will more than likely never meet in your life. She was just so cute and sweet in how she spoke to those kiddos about what moved her as a reader and writer and the impact all of that reading made in her life! Hello...I could say that EVERYDAY, ALL DAY (hey wait, I DO ~ LOL) and she probably had more impact than I will. I mean she is way cooler than me, right? Good for her, and good for my kiddos! Be sure to check it out if you get a chance.

We were all very sad to say goodbye to Skeleton Man, but we all stood up and cheered for Molly! Don't want to say too much more just in case you want to pick it up and read. Which of course, you really should! Already have a few flocking to the library looking for more Joseph Bruchac. Yay!!! Reluctant reader buster right there ~ I promise you!
We have moved on to some nonfiction informational reading as we get ready to head into informational writing. Biographies and lots more information coming soon...still trying to become inspired and conquer those darn test taking blues. Whew, you should see me in April.
Here are a few more glimmers of inspiration though...I love how my kiddos work so hard for me. Reading these readers' notebooks really make me smile sometimes! Spelling and grammar mistakes aside, I could not be more proud of some of my readers and writers this year! They are setting the bar pretty high for next year's group! I know these are only two examples...way more to come soon!
Love how she uses her post-its :) |
Just look at that intense reading! :) I could watch this ALL DAY! |
My sweet little pink-out girl and the yummy treat she gave me! If that is not enough to make you smile or cure any blues, I don't know what is!
Look at sweet Elmer by David McKee. He has been one of my favorite little character education reads for a while now, and this week I found a bag full of 8 more Elmer books. You know I just had to pull him down and share his sweet story. Great read for common themes in literature! I will share a pic of our new books as soon as I can. So cute!
Here is another great read for common themes in literature ~ acceptance and kindness. The Bumpy Little Pumpkin by Margery Cuyler is a sweet, little seasonal story. How boring it would be if we were all alike! Each year I am surprised by how much my kiddos enjoy it. I often wonder if they will feel to old for this story, but so far they all have enjoyed it just the same.
Now my next picture book is just for fun. I love Tell Me a Scary Story by Carl Reiner as much as Halloween by Jerry Seinfeld. The illustrations are SO FUN! Fun as in creepy, silly Halloween fun. Love it! Students can also make some predictions with this one. I always enjoy seeing if the kiddos can pick up on the clues in the end just before Reiner spells them out for us.
Happy Reading!
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