Currently, a little light reading, and sad goodbyes
It's time for another "Currently!" I love hooking up with Farley for this linky party! This is only my second time, and I have thoroughly enjoyed all the blog hopping. I can barely work on my own from all the reading! :)
I cannot believe that it is already November. Time is flying by faster by the day, and my precious group of kiddos will be celebrating Thanksgiving with their families, chattering about Christmas break, chomping at the bit for Spring Break, then gearing up for our annual Southside Survivor: all in the blink of an eye! I am enjoying this sweet group so much. I should have said "needing" a pause button to cherish what time I have with them. This week my own little girl turns 19. Wow! Were did that time go? Happy early birthday my Katie Byrd ~ love you!
Our class had to say goodbye to a great friend this week. We are so sad that Mrs. Hanshaw will not be joining us for our morning meetings anymore. :( She has been such a wonderful part of our class since the first day of school! We will miss her very much!
So how do you like my light reading for the weekend? I absolutely LOVE writing back and forth with my kiddos, but goodness, I always feel behind in my letters. With two classes, I am never on time in my responses. The kiddos are getting to know me, and I have both ends of the spectrum: some kiddos are begging me to hurry and respond, and others are secretly hoping I stay behind until they catch up on their own letters. hahaha...Back in the old days of my own schooling, can you guess which kid I was?
In order to get back to all that reading, I will have to quickly share some pics and some great picture books. Let's see if I can manage that quickly! ;)
Crazy hat day with my class!
Halloween with my own kiddos and family!
We are working hard on researching for our biographies...
We received another great book order this week! Whoo hoo ...just look at all that great reading!
A couple of the picture books I want to share tonight came in that very book order! In honor of this year's election, I picked up Vote For Me by Ben Clanton. I am very excited about this one and cannot wait to share it with my kiddos. That made me think of another fun presidential read, haha (or should I say quack, quack ;) Duck for President by Doreen Cronin is a perfectly silly look at elections.
Still in honor of all things electoral, how about My Teacher for President by Kay Winters. Hmmm...wonder what kind of president I would make?
OK this next one I know is a little late, but I just picked it up in our latest book order. It is such a cute Halloween book that I could not resist sharing it. I just love the illustrations! The 13 Nights of Halloween by Guy Visilovich. Just look at that cover - so stinking cute!
This last one is also another from our last book order. One guess as to why I bought it? Hmmm, David Catrow, maybe? I have to admit; there is not much substance to this quick little picture book, but I could not resist anyway. We did touch on prepositions. I mean the fly flew in and on and around and could I not talk about prepositions? LOL...whatever it takes ;p.
Well, not sure if that counts as quick, but I have to call it a night now. Back to reading notebooks. Happy reading to you as well!
P.S. Don't forget to stop by Farley's and link up on the currently!
Hi! I came across your blog from Farley's linky party! I love the idea of letter writing back and forth with my kiddos. I might have to try that!
ReplyDeleteTime really does fly by much too quickly! It would be nice to find a way to make it slow down just a bit.
Primarily Speaking