Today is not only election day, but it just also happens to be my Katie Byrd's 19th birthday. Holy cow....where have the years gone! I cannot believe that I have two, yes I said TWO, kids in college. If that doesn't make you feel old, I don't know what will.
But I digress, this isn't a post about exactly how old I may or may not be, but rather a post about how as Katie celebrated her birthday, doing any number of things a silly girl of 19 might do, she surprised us with a visit to our classroom today! My kiddos have been sharing letters in their readers' notebooks with Katie for a number of weeks now, and many were excited to see her in person. It was fun to watch her join a few in conversations about favorites. You just have to love anything that gets them sharing and talking about reading! She didn't mind that they all sang Happy Birthday either. :)
I thought I might share a few pics of random happenings around our hallway these days, bits and pieces. ;)
Our "Common Themes in Literature" wall is growing by the day!
The beginning of the year is so full of great picture book reading.
I try to find a reason to read at least one a day...if not many more ;) |
I am just as proud of all of the book recommendations!
The yellow sheets are the student recommendations to their friends, not only
our room but from the other fourth grade rooms as well.
The pink sheets are Book Worm winners. |
As students complete a book, they fill out a "Book Completion Form" and enter it in our Book Worm Drawing. Each month I pull three forms from each class, and if students have been thorough and thoughtful in sharing about their book, they receive a free book of their choice from the book order! I love seeing their faces when their books come in!
We have lots of great writing out in our hallway! |
We work so hard on some of our anchors; I just don't have the heart to keep them covered as we continue adding more anchors of our work throughout the year. Some of my favorites I pull out into the hallway. Just like time in the day, there is never enough wall space for anchors or shelf space for books. My kiddos are completely on my side and often I catch them scouting bigger rooms for us to take over LOL.
As we have grown in our reading,
our Reading Cafe menu has grown! |
My kiddos are super psyched to enter the Paws for Reading! Hello....100 free books of your choice! Why yes, thank you! This is our first entry, and I cannot wait to see what else gets turned in! Mrs. Whitt has even gotten in on the action...check out her sweet Maggie!
I might have to get some pics of my babies doing the same. Here is a picture of one of my babies trying to get better. My Freddy boy has hurt his back, and it makes me very sad to see him hurting so much. Cross your fingers that my boy gets better soon, and he is running in the back yard with his ears dragging the ground!
Speaking of Mrs. Whitt, here are a couple of bits and pieces from around her room! I couldn't ask for a better teammate! I love sharing kiddos with her, and everyone knows that we both claim all of them as our own. Instead of having one class to love, we get two!
Looks like we have some excited kiddos!
They complete their Contig board in Mrs. Whitt's room! |
Random pic of kiddos swarming to read our new Mummies
book! OK...yes, I know; they are really looking at all the
gruesome pics, but again, they are diving into a book at
the moment! Whatever it takes to get them past the cover! |
I am guessing that I have shared enough randomness for one night. ;) I have just one picture book to share tonight. In honor of the cool breezes and the lovely colors of fall that are finally gracing us with their presence, I have shared with my kiddos Chris Van Allsburg's The Stranger. I just love Van Allsburg for oh-so-many-things! I love his illustrations, and I love that he leaves you to think in his stories.
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