Listening: I am currently obsessed with Pentatonix! So beautiful.
Loving: I cannot tell you enough how blessed that I am to have a principal that lets me take chances and try new things with my kiddos. After talking with a friend and coworker about an observation she had of a classroom without desks, I couldn't get the idea out of my head, and after speaking with my principal, I decided to give it a try.
My initial thought was to pull the tables out during Christmas break, but talking to the kiddos about it proved that waiting would not be an option...talk about excited. Check out what our room normally looks like here.
My goal is to add additional seating options as the year progresses, but right now the kiddos are loving the bean bags, pillows, and futon. I did leave two tables for those students that just need that structure.
Here are some pics of the kiddos working this week...best ever reading and writing workshops!
The kiddos could not have been happier with our arrangements this week. By Friday, we were rocking and rolling.... with most of the kinks worked out. This is still a work in progress, so I will give lots more detail soon.

Wanting: Now anyone that knows me, knows how much I love spending time at school with my kiddos. Actually...my classroom with or without kiddos is truly one of my favorite places to be, but I am looking forward to some relaxing down time with my hubby. He works so hard, and I rarely get to see him. That being said... I CAN'T wait to have a few lazy days at home. :)
Needing: Needing to finish up a few last minute gifts, but I am almost done. If you have followed me for long, then you know that Christmas is not my holiday...I am more of a Thanksgiving girl. With four kiddos, Christmas tends to be a bit on the stressful side for me, and this year in particular is more than a bit stressful... personality flaw I am sure....but for real...my hubby calls me The Grinch.

Giving: Honestly, I don't have much to give this year...other than my love and appreciation. Stressed or not, I am truly blessed by some amazing kiddos, their families, my friends, and of course my family! I love them all, and they make me smile. I have lots of hugs to share, and I can't wait to start.
Happy Reading, friends!