These are totally random and probably all out of order, but here goes....just hoping to get it posted before I have to shut down and restart this cranky laptop for the fifth time :/ ...
My kiddos love playing hangman with our word study words on our desks with dry erase markers...just look at that concentration!
I had a great dinner with friends.
I love our morning meetings! It is so fun to start our day on such a positive note. I so wish I could have video taped today's activity...I smiled forever after our little dance party. Goodness, my kids have got some moves, and they even try to hold back the giggles as they watch me try to keep up.
The messages above are perfect and quick little grammar discussions. I try to throw as much as I can into each one.
Each week we spend a little extra time participating in a fitness lesson or activity in the classroom. I usually try to get us outside on the track in the beautiful sunshine as much as possible, but mother nature has just not been playing nice lately. After being stuck inside with these wild hooligans, I just knew I had to try something that would be great exercise and calming all at the same time. Haha....hence our yoga lesson! Well, they either LOVED it or hated it. I sure got a kick out of watching it.
In our reading workshop, I have fallen hopelessly in love with our reader's notebooks. (Yes, I know. I am a broken record, but I can't help but to share!) It has taken me years to get into the swing of using them in a way that works best for us, but no matter how much work it is, what I learn from them can never be replaced! I have been so proud of some of my kiddos and so frustrated just the same. Strengths and weaknesses both shine through, guiding each conference!
This little cutie had a question regarding exactly why an author choose to write a particular scene in her book the way she did, so we had an impromptu conference and jumped on the Chromebook to do a little research. Then she found the author's website and sent her an email. So much packed in that small amount of time, and she walked away smiling, ready to jump back into her book!

Before I leave you for the night, I have a couple of new books to share with you!
We are finishing up our unit on Sacajawea.
Just like last year, this group of kiddos has thoroughly enjoyed this unit.
Doesn't Sacajawea look completely different on each cover! She certainly doesn't look like the teenager she was when she helped Lewis and Clark LOL |
Lewis and Clark for Kids by Janis Herbert is jam packed with photographs and activities!
After discovering that Lewis took his dog on this amazing journey and having fun discussions about it, we were totally pumped to find this beautiful picture book, Seaman's Journal, by Patricia Reeder Eubank. The kiddos pounced on this as soon as it came in, and they could hardly contain themselves. Each student that read it would end up pointing out one fact or another that reminded them of all that we had learned. The illustrations in this book are beyond amazing, and I love that this is from the point of view from the dog. We had pretty much talked about everyone else's point of view; why not the dog?

With that ladies and gents...I will say goodnight. I made it through another 2 shutdowns and restarts, so I will give this old girl a rest for now. (Me and the computer, LOL)
I'm letting Derrick say goodnight to you, too! I have no real reason to add this picture but that I came across it, and it made me smile! Love my big boy...and shhhhh...don't tell him I added this. ;) He'd probably fuss at me. LOL
Don't forget to stop by Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday and check out all the amazing bloggers out there!
Happy reading!